法律翻譯 包含契約書(買賣契約書、授權代理契約書、商標授權契約書、軟體授權契約書、技術授權契約書、貸款契約書、委任書、保密契約、投資承諾書、保證書、股份購買契約書、租賃契約書、工作規則、合作備忘錄、合作意向書、招標契約書、讓渡契約書等)、保密協定、備忘錄、公司章程、股東會議事規則、董事會會議紀錄、公開說名書、法令規章、條約規則、政府公文、外國法律、外國法令規章、法院通知書、判決書、及律師函等法律文件。以上均需具備專業知識及用詞精準的翻譯人士才能完成,對於高度要求正確性和嚴謹性的法律文件來說,每一個字都不可輕忽,法律用字可謂差之毫厘、失之千里,如何能夠掌握文件內容確實的意涵,進而正確的表達正確精準的想法和立場,是避免後續無謂爭執和費用支出的關鍵。同時由於法律語言句式通常特別冗長、結構複雜,並特別講求整理出相關句子間的邏輯關係,因此翻譯的難度要比其他類型翻譯更大一些,精確性與邏輯性為法律翻譯兩大基本要求。法律翻譯人士必須同時具備高度語言能力與專業素養,俾能完成精確且符合邏輯性的法律文件翻譯。
契約(或合約),是雙方當事人基於意思表示合致而成立的法律行為,為私法自治的主要表現。一般而言,契約是指私法上的法律行為,可分為債權契約(例如買賣)、物權契約(例如所有權移轉登記)及身分契約(例如結婚)等,不過在公法上也可能存在契約關係(例如 行政契約)。在民法上,狹義的契約(即債權契約)為債之發生的原因之一,而一般僅稱契約時所指稱者也多屬債權契約。契約行為並不等於「契約書」,一份契約書中可能包含不只一個契約行為;契約行為也不以做成書面為必要,契約原則上為諾成且不要物的法律行為,只有在例外情形,基於特殊考量(例如公益)時法律會明文要求。契約是以雙方當事人互相對立合致的意思表示所構成的,其中包括要約及承諾兩個基本的意思表示。要約是表意人所發出,欲得到相對人承諾而發生一定私法上效力的意思表示。承諾則是針對要約所為的肯定答覆,承諾的內容必須和該要約的內容完全一致,否則即為新要約而非承諾。應與要約區分的是要約之引誘,其並非意思表示,而是觀念通知,為準法律行為之一種,不生要約拘束力。
Legal translation involves translating terminology and concepts related to the field of law, which adds to the complexity of the process. Legal translation necessitates the requirement of professional translation providers who are specialized and substantially experienced in the field of legal translation.Critical documents such as legal contracts require the utmost attention and expertise to ensure an accurate legal translation. A professional legal translation can make the difference in preventing future legal contingencies and can ensure that the correct legal meaning is conveyed as interpreted by the judicial system. Further, accurate legal translations require legal translators who have a thorough understanding of legal nomenclature, legal processes and systems, as well as the industry and subject matter at hand.Our legal translator selection procedures and continuous monitoring process ensure that your legal translation project is facilitated with the best resources in the legal arena. Rigorous translator testing and evaluation procedures combined with careful project monitoring enable us to deliver a clear, effective legal translation.
In common law legal systems, a contract (or informally known as an agreement in some jurisdictions) is an agreement having a lawful object entered into voluntarily by two or more parties, each of whom intends to create one or more legal obligations between them. The elements of a contract are "offer" and "acceptance" by "competent persons" having legal capacity who exchange "consideration" to create "mutuality of obligation. A contract is a legally enforceable promise or undertaking that something will or will not occur. The word promise can be used as a legal synonym for contract although care is required as a promise may not have the full standing of a contract, as when it is an agreement without consideration. Contracts are widely used in commercial law, and form the legal foundation for transactions across the world. Common examples include construction contracts, product purchases (with associated warranties of quality), software licenses, employment contracts, insurance policies, real estate deeds to transfer title, professional services, wholesalemerchandise supply, and various other uses. Online contracts have become common. E-signature laws have made the electronic contract and signature as legally valid as a paper contract. It has been estimated that roughly 110 electronic contracts are signed every second.