英文簡報技巧 (How to give a presentation in English)
一、 首先你要記住的是當你要發表英文簡報的時候,你必須使用簡單、明瞭英文用語。很多人常常認為他們的英文能力不夠好,因此他們總想要嘗試使用複雜,難以理解的詞語,然而,你卻對那些單字或詞語很不熟悉,甚至是你可能不確定它真正之意義,因此這不是好的策略。簡單、清晰的溝通是十分強大,讓人易理解的,所以試著去記住這點。
Show you how to give a presentation in English more effectively.
Of course giving a presentation is never easy, especially when it is in another language which is not your native language。You are going to face some special challenges. Ican tell you that giving a presentation is difficult but it is also one of the most effective ways to improve your English and also to increase your level of confidence as a professional speaking in English. Let’s look at some of the strategies that you can follow in order to give a presentation that is more successful.
1.The first thing that you must remember when you’re speaking in English and giving a presentation is to use simple language.
Many people feel that their English is not good enough and so they try to use very complicated words. However, if you’re not comfortable with those words or you’re not sure of the meaning of those words, it’s not going to go very well. Simple, clear communication is powerful. So try to remember that point.
2. Next : speak slowly.
Because you have an accent---and everyone has an accent---but perhaps if you have an accent and English is not your native language, it’s going to be a little bit harder for people to understand you. So you need to speak much more slowly than you think. So however slowly you think you’re speaking, speak a little more slowly. It will only make it easier for other people to understand exactly what you’re saying .
3. The next point is to make sure to have your visuals professionally edited. Make surethat a native English speaker or an editor has checked all your visuals. There is nothing that compromises the professionalism of a presentation more than seeing grammatical errors or spelling errors in the visuals. So make sure to have your visuals professionally edited.
4. The next thing you want to do is to make sure to use more verbs rather than nouns.
When you use a lot of nouns, it makes anything that you hear much heavier and difficult to understand, for example, if I say : “The delivery of the package took place on Sunday afternoon.”It’s not impossible to understand, but let’s compare it to this: “The post office delivered the package on Sunday afternoon.”It’s much easier in the second because I used verbs rather than nouns.
5 Use active verbs rather than passive verbs. Let me give you another example. “5,000 apartments were rented by ABC Housing last month. Let’s contrast that with the active verb. “ABC Housing rented 5000 apartments last month.”So you can see it’s much easier when you use the active verbs.