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TOEIC 商務英文


依照ETS (美國教育測驗服務社) 說明TOEIC係代表Test of English for International Communication(國際溝通英語測驗)。多益測驗乃針對英語非母語人士所設計之英語能力測驗,測驗分數反映受測者在國際職場環境中與他人以英語溝通的熟稔程度。參加本測驗毋需具備專業的知識或字彙,因為測驗內容以日常使用之英語為主。多益測驗是以職場為基準點的英語能力測驗中,世界最頂級的考試。2012年在全球有超過七百萬人報考多益測驗,並在150個國家中有超過14,000家的企業、學校或政府機構使用多益測驗,同時在全球超過165個國家施測,是最被廣泛接受且最方便報考的英語測驗之一。

What is the TOEIC test?
“TOEIC” stands for the Test of English for International Communication. The TOEIC test is an English language proficiency test for people whose native language is not English. TOEIC test scores indicate how well people can communicate in English with others in the global workplace. The test does not require specialized knowledge or vocabulary; it measures only the kind of English used in everyday activities. The TOEIC test is the world’s leading test of English language proficiency in a workplace context. With more than 7 million tests administered in 2012, the TOEIC test scores are used by over 14,000 companies, government agencies and English language learning programs in 150 countries. TOEIC test is one of the most accepted and most accessible English-language assessments worldwide with testing locations in more than 165 countries."


一般商務   契約、談判、行銷、銷售、商業企劃、會議
製造業 工廠管理、生產線、品管
金融/預算 銀行業務、投資、稅務、會計、帳單
企業發展  研究、產品研發
辦公室 董事會、委員會、信件、備忘錄、電話、傳真、電子郵件、辦公室器材與傢俱、辦公室流程、文字簡訊、即時通訊、多人互動線上聊天
人事 招考、雇用、退休、薪資、升遷、應徵與廣告
採購  比價、訂貨、送貨、發票
技術層面 電子、科技、電腦、實驗室與相關器材、技術規格
房屋/公司地產 建築、規格、購買租賃、電力瓦斯服務
旅遊  火車、飛機、計程車、巴士、船隻、渡輪、票務、時刻表、車站、機場廣播、租車、飯店、預訂、脫班與取消
外食  商務/非正式午餐、宴會、招待會、餐廳訂位
娛樂 電影、劇場、音樂、藝術、媒體
保健 醫藥保險、看醫生、牙醫、診所、醫院


What is the content of the TOEIC test?
The TOEIC test was designed to meet the needs of the working world. The test questions are developed from samples of spoken and written language collected from various countries around the world where English is used in the workplace. Test questions include many different settings and situations, such as:
•    General business contracts, negotiations, marketing, sales, business planning, conferences
•    Manufacturing plant management, assembly lines, quality control
•    Finance and budgeting banking, investments, taxes, accounting, billing
•    Corporate development research, product development
•    Offices board meetings, committees, letters, memoranda, telephone, fax and e-mail messages, office equipment and furniture, office procedures
•    Personnel recruiting, hiring, retiring, salaries, promotions, job applications and advertisements
•    Purchasing shopping, ordering supplies, shipping, invoices
•    Technical areas electronics, technology, computers, laboratories and related equipment, technical specifications
•    Housing/ corporate property construction, specifications, buying and renting, electric and gas services
•    Travel trains, airplanes, taxis, buses, ships, ferries, tickets, schedules, station and airport announcements, car rentals, hotels, reservations, delays and cancellations
•    Dining out business and informal lunches, banquets, receptions, restaurant reservations
•    Entertainment cinema, theater, music, art, media
•    Health medical insurance, visiting doctors, dentists, clinics, hospitals
While the language from these settings provides the context of the test questions, candidates are not required to know specialized business and technical vocabulary. The TOEIC test is suitable for use in all environments where English is used by native speakers of other languages.


•    第一大題:照片描述 六題 (四選一)
•    第二大題:應答問題 二十五題 (三選一)
•    第三大題:簡短對話 三十九題 (四選一)
•    第四大題:簡短獨白 三十題 (四選一)
•    第五大題:句子填空 三十題 (四選一)
•    第六大題:段落填空 十六題 (四選一)
•    第七大題:單篇閱讀 二十九題 (四選一) 多篇閱讀  二十五題 (四選一)


TOEIC多益這是一個國際認可的語言證書,對於在職中的你,多益證照是一張可幫你出國發展的證照,對於大學生,這是一張取得大學畢業證書的必經途徑。EMTC 為欲取得多益證書的人士,提供針對不同需求規劃的客製化一對一課程,是您通過多益考試最佳的選擇。


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每一位學生都必須準備一份論文大綱,說明其預定的研究目的,以及完成此論文的步驟。論文大綱通常包含以下幾個部分: − 摘要 − 研究問題之陳述 − 研究背景以及進行此研究之必需性 − 計畫內容的陳述 − 預期研究成果 − 預定進行步驟 − 文獻目錄 



論文大綱必須經過審查委員會通過,所以從審查者的觀點來說,他們會希望: 論文大綱呈現一篇論文的想法,審查委員固然是站在支持的立場, 不過還是會提出一些嚴厲的問題—不只關於論文的題目與其相關

性,還包括論文進行之程序,所提出資料的關鍵性,以及達成研究目標的可能性。學生必須能說服審查委員,其所選定的題目確實在其關注之領域有重要性,他∕她也確實有能力在老師的協助下進行此研究,而且在時間與資源的侷限下,確實能設法成功執行並完成 此計畫。 


1. 摘要 

論文大綱標題頁的下一頁為摘要,摘要對提出的問題以及將如何探討做一簡要的敘述。每完成一份大綱初稿,即應撰寫一份大綱摘要。藉著撰寫摘要以凝聚 個人的想法,將有助於強化大綱的結構。完成大綱後寫下摘要,可以對研究計畫裡疏漏或不明之處,做最後的補強。 


2. 問題的陳述 

這裡必須回答下列的幾個疑問: − 什麼樣的問題? − 為何很重要? − 其他有誰曾探討過此問題?他們的發現為何?有何佐證?有何理論依據? 

陳述問題務求清楚與精確地點出所欲探討之議題或或解答之問題。除了對相 關議題做一整體的陳述,確立一個起點之外,還必須將讀者帯進與論文更為貼切 的特定領域裡,清楚地交代所欲探討的議題與問題。甚而之,必須進一步指出該議題中所希望探討的某一特定面向,以表明並不是所有面向都要探討。 問題的陳述極為關鍵,若對提出的問題「有問題」的話,那麻煩就大了, 因為大綱裡的其他部分都是從問題的陳述導出來的。所以,多花點時間在這部分, 仔細想通之後,再進行下一步驟。 


3. 研究背景與必需性 

在清楚陳述所欲探討的問題之後,議題範圍以及所要進行的研究,即浮現了 出來。接著就要呈現研究背景資料與其必需性,好讓讀者據以判定論文的重要性。 這些資料是用來顯示,所欲探討的問題是過去未被充分探討,或者未盡人意,有待進一步澄清其中之議題、理論或技巧。這部分的陳述,是要指出為何選擇這個面向來探討,而不選擇其他的面向。同時,其他相關文獻都必須儘量列出來,並 指出此研究計畫與這些其他作品到底有何不同,或有何可以改進之處。作者在這部分可以顯示他∕她在該領域中所接受的訓練,其功力到底有多深厚。 


4. 計畫內容的陳述 

當研究問題清楚界定,而且其重要性也明確顯示之後,接著就必須向讀者陳述研究計畫的詳細內容,其與提出的問題之關係到底何在。這部分是要讓審查者了解你∕妳夠不夠資格進行此研究,所提出的研究方法、進行步驟,還有個人能 力,是否可以在時間與物資的侷限下,順利完成研究計畫。在這一節裡綜觀計畫的內容(研究方法、資料收集與分析、物資的使用),包括評估方式(量測、技 巧、程序、設備,以及限制、假設、有效範圍等)。不過,不要過於注意細節, 這將留待於後面的「進行步骤」。切記,有時候幾個簡單的圖表要遠勝於千百個 文字,同時要注意清晰與簡要。 


5. 預期成果 

把可能的結論與研究結果之預期重要性呈現出來,絕對是有必要的。因為這是要向讀者顯示:「我是如何知道我的研究計畫將達成什麼樣的成果?」研究成果必須很肯定地陳述出來,不能模稜兩可。譬如說,探討某個技術訓練機制,而預期成果是:「該機制將使受訓者取得更多的技術」,這是過於模糊而難以接受的說法;成果陳述必須可以直接拿來用,像是:「該機制將使十個受訓者中, 有六個可取得 該技術並提升其工作效率。」 


6. 預定進行步驟 

這一節裡是要陳述計畫進行的預定時程、與特定人及物的互動情形、評估行 動以及所需的物資等等。不要急著把步驟細節記載下來,只有當前面的問題陳述、 背景與必需性、計畫內容以及可能成果都清楚地確定之後,才可開始設定步驟。 不過,在撰寫前面各節的時候,倒是可以預先把可能要做或必須取得的項目註記 下來。譬如說,幾個關鍵的截止日期或中繼點、必須要接洽的人、所需的設備或 軟體、可能產生的其他成本,以及評估的想法等等。這些預定項目可幫助研究者縮短時程,也能更有效地估計所需之資源。這也將使得設定進行步驟時可省卻許多不必要的時間與精力,而不致於在大綱主體完成後必須一改再改。 


7. 文獻目錄與其他參考資料 

如果論文大綱引用了若干出版文獻,就必須把出處在文後全部詳細羅列。另 一方面,可附上「文獻目錄」(bibliography),這是指背景或進一步可供參考的書目(任何不是自己的想法、觀念、文字、資料等),而「參考文獻」(references) 則是論文大綱裡所引用的書目資料。此外,還可羅列其他參考資料,而通常是放在附錄裡。



(一)「緒論」之寫作所必須掌握的四個重點: 1.問題提出:
(二)關於「問題提出」 1.要扣緊研究主題,然後提出相關問題是什麼?有幾個?
分別為何? 2.要有問題意識,並針對作者自己所欲探討之主題與相關問題,進
行整體性、全方位的思考。 3.相關重要結構說明如下: (1)研究動機與問題界定
。 (2)研究目的、意義、重要性與價值。 (3)是否有「研究假設」?若該論文有
「研究假設」,必須先搞清楚研究假設之定義後,然後審慎處理之。 (4)論文寫
上述這六個主軸,最值得處理的為What、Why、How 的問題。


待續 !


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學術論文 是一種專業性的論述或著作,一般來說,在大專院校中,研究報告指教授指定的學期報告(Term Paper),或研究所中學位候選人所提出的碩士論文(Thesis)或博士論文(Dissertation),或一般研究機構中研究人員或一般學者所提出的學術論文或報告(Academical Essay or Research Report)。


論文就是用來進行科學研究和描述科研成果的文章,簡稱之為論文。它既是探討問題進行科學研究的一種手段,又是描述科研成果進行學術交流的一種工具。它包括學年論文、畢業論文、學位論文、科技論文、成果論文等,總稱為論文。 學術論文的結構不拘一格,應依照內容和作者個性選取最合適的行文方案。但是社會和自然科學領域的論文多採用以下結構。





Technical Research Report Translation


A thesis or dissertation is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings. In some contexts, the word "thesis" or a cognate is used for part of a bachelor's ormaster's course, while "dissertation" is normally applied to a doctorate, while in other contexts, the reverse is true. The termgraduate thesis is sometimes used to refer to both master's theses and doctoral dissertations. Dissertations and theses may be considered to be grey literature.


The required complexity and/or quality of research of a thesis or dissertation can vary by country, university and/or program, therefore, the required minimum study period may vary significantly in duration.


The word dissertation can at times be used to describe a treatise without relation to obtaining an academic degree. The term thesis is also used to refer to the general claim of an essay or similar work.


A thesis (or dissertation) may be arranged as a thesis by publication or a monograph, with or without appended papers respectively. An ordinary monograph has a title page, an abstract, a table of contents, comprising the various chapters (introduction, literature review, findings, etc.), and a bibliography or (more usually) a references section. They differ in their structure in accordance with the many different areas of study (arts, humanities, social sciences, technology, sciences, etc.) and the minimal differences between them. In a thesis by publication, the chapters constitute an introductory and comprehensive review of the appended published and unpublished article documents.


Dissertations normally report on a research project or study, or an extended analysis of a topic. The structure of the thesis or dissertation explains the purpose, the previous research literature which impinges on the topic of the study, the methods used and the findings of the project. Most world universities use a multiple chapter format : a) an introduction, which introduces the research topic, the methodology, as well as its scope and significance; b) a literature review, reviewing relevant literature and showing how this has informed the research issue; c) a methodology chapter, explaining how the research has been designed and why the research methods/population/data collection and analysis being used have been chosen; d) a findings chapter, outlining the findings of the research itself; e) an analysis and discussion chapter, analysing the findings and discussing them in the context of the literature review (this chapter is often divided into two—analysis and discussion); f) a conclusion.



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法律翻譯    包含契約書(買賣契約書、授權代理契約書、商標授權契約書、軟體授權契約書、技術授權契約書、貸款契約書、委任書、保密契約、投資承諾書、保證書、股份購買契約書、租賃契約書、工作規則、合作備忘錄、合作意向書、招標契約書、讓渡契約書等)、保密協定、備忘錄、公司章程、股東會議事規則、董事會會議紀錄、公開說名書、法令規章、條約規則、政府公文、外國法律、外國法令規章、法院通知書、判決書、及律師函等法律文件。以上均需具備專業知識及用詞精準的翻譯人士才能完成,對於高度要求正確性和嚴謹性的法律文件來說,每一個字都不可輕忽,法律用字可謂差之毫厘、失之千里,如何能夠掌握文件內容確實的意涵,進而正確的表達正確精準的想法和立場,是避免後續無謂爭執和費用支出的關鍵。同時由於法律語言句式通常特別冗長、結構複雜,並特別講求整理出相關句子間的邏輯關係,因此翻譯的難度要比其他類型翻譯更大一些,精確性與邏輯性為法律翻譯兩大基本要求。法律翻譯人士必須同時具備高度語言能力與專業素養,俾能完成精確且符合邏輯性的法律文件翻譯。


契約(或合約)是雙方當事人基於意思表示合致而成立的法律行為,為私法自治的主要表現。一般而言,契約是指私法上的法律行為,可分為債權契約(例如買賣)、物權契約(例如所有權移轉登記)及身分契約(例如結婚)等,不過在公法上也可能存在契約關係(例如 行政契約)。在民法上,狹義的契約(即債權契約)為債之發生的原因之一,而一般僅稱契約時所指稱者也多屬債權契約。契約行為並不等於「契約書」,一份契約書中可能包含不只一個契約行為;契約行為也不以做成書面為必要,契約原則上為諾成且不要物的法律行為,只有在例外情形,基於特殊考量(例如公益)時法律會明文要求。契約是以雙方當事人互相對立合致的意思表示所構成的,其中包括要約及承諾兩個基本的意思表示。要約是表意人所發出,欲得到相對人承諾而發生一定私法上效力的意思表示。承諾則是針對要約所為的肯定答覆,承諾的內容必須和該要約的內容完全一致,否則即為新要約而非承諾。應與要約區分的是要約之引誘,其並非意思表示,而是觀念通知,為準法律行為之一種,不生要約拘束力。



Legal translation involves translating terminology and concepts related to the field of law, which adds to the complexity of the process. Legal translation necessitates the requirement of professional translation providers who are specialized and substantially experienced in the field of legal translation.Critical documents such as legal contracts require the utmost attention and expertise to ensure an accurate legal translation. A professional legal translation can make the difference in preventing future legal contingencies and can ensure that the correct legal meaning is conveyed as interpreted by the judicial system. Further, accurate legal translations require legal translators who have a thorough understanding of legal nomenclature, legal processes and systems, as well as the industry and subject matter at hand.Our legal translator selection procedures and continuous monitoring process ensure that your legal translation project is facilitated with the best resources in the legal arena. Rigorous translator testing and evaluation procedures combined with careful project monitoring enable us to deliver a clear, effective legal translation.


In common law legal systems, a contract (or informally known as an agreement in some jurisdictions) is an agreement having a lawful object entered into voluntarily by two or more parties, each of whom intends to create one or more legal obligations between them. The elements of a contract are "offer" and "acceptance" by "competent persons" having legal capacity who exchange "consideration" to create "mutuality of obligation. A contract is a legally enforceable promise or undertaking that something will or will not occur. The word promise can be used as a legal synonym for contract although care is required as a promise may not have the full standing of a contract, as when it is an agreement without consideration. Contracts are widely used in commercial law, and form the legal foundation for transactions across the world. Common examples include construction contracts, product purchases (with associated warranties of quality), software licenses, employment contracts, insurance policies, real estate deeds to transfer title, professional services, wholesalemerchandise supply, and various other uses. Online contracts have become common. E-signature laws have made the electronic contract and signature as legally valid as a paper contract. It has been estimated that roughly 110 electronic contracts are signed every second.


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根據專業分析,財經文體類型與其特點包含-- 金融市場報導:力求行文簡潔、用語通俗,訊息具時效性。 財經政策報告:力求用字正式而嚴謹,行文邏輯清晰而細密。 經濟預測及市場展望:力求文字精簡且邏輯縝密,並搭配圖表和數據。




Financial Statements Translation


As with legal documents, financial documents tend to have a language all of their own. Critical documents such as financial reports and financial prospectuses require the utmost attention and expertise to ensure accuracy. So, when undertaking financial translation it is vital that the translator in question is not only an expert linguist, but also that they have a solid background in finance and are aware of the conventions that exist in both the source and the target country. We have translators that specialize in all areas of finance and our experienced project managers are practiced at finding the right translator for your documents.


All translations remain confidential. Our translators are sensitive to the nature of financial documentation and understand the need to keep all information strictly confidential. Our project managers with financial training are skilled in both project planning and quality control. We also provide our clients an option for quality assurance, in which a completed project is proofread by a second financial translation expert.


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英文簡報技巧   (How to give a presentation in English)




一、    首先你要記住的是當你要發表英文簡報的時候,你必須使用簡單、明瞭英文用語。很多人常常認為他們的英文能力不夠好,因此他們總想要嘗試使用複雜,難以理解的詞語,然而,你卻對那些單字或詞語很不熟悉,甚至是你可能不確定它真正之意義,因此這不是好的策略。簡單、清晰的溝通是十分強大,讓人易理解的,所以試著去記住這點。











Show you  how to  give  a  presentation in English more effectively. 

Of course giving a presentation is never easy, especially when it is in another language which is not your native language。You are going to face some special challenges. Ican tell you that giving a presentation is difficult but it is also one of the most effective ways to improve your English and also to increase your level of confidence as a professional speaking in English. Let’s look at some of the strategies that you can follow in order to give a presentation that is more successful.

1.The first thing that you must remember when you’re speaking in English and giving a presentation is to use simple language.
Many people feel that their English is not good enough and so they try to use very complicated words. However, if you’re not comfortable with those words or you’re not sure of the meaning of those words, it’s not going to go very well. Simple, clear communication is powerful. So try to remember that point.

2.    Next : speak slowly.
Because you have an accent---and everyone has an accent---but perhaps if you have an accent and English is not your native language, it’s going to be a little bit harder for people to understand you. So you need to speak much more slowly than you think. So  however slowly you think you’re speaking, speak a little more slowly. It will only make it easier for other people to understand exactly what you’re saying .

3.    The next point is to make sure to have your visuals professionally edited. Make surethat a native English speaker or an editor has checked all your visuals. There is nothing that compromises the professionalism of a presentation more than seeing grammatical errors or spelling errors in the visuals. So make sure to have your visuals professionally edited.

4.    The next thing you want to do is to make sure to use more verbs rather than nouns. 
When you use a lot of nouns, it makes anything that you hear much heavier and difficult to understand, for example, if I say : “The delivery of the package took place on Sunday afternoon.”It’s not impossible to understand, but let’s compare it to this: “The post office delivered the package on Sunday afternoon.”It’s much easier in the second because I used verbs rather than nouns.

5  Use active verbs rather than passive verbs. Let me give you another example. “5,000 apartments were rented by ABC Housing last month. Let’s contrast that with the active verb. “ABC Housing rented 5000 apartments last month.”So you can see it’s much easier when you use the active verbs.


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英文談判技巧  (Negotiating Skills in English)








(1) 使用“you” ;重點是you,不是I
Use “you” to focus the attention on the client. 使用 “you” 把注意力放在客戶身上。不建議使用自我中心的字眼,一開口就說we think、we feel、we suggest. 例如 : Could you tell me what sort of figure you are thinking of?(你心中的數字是多少呢?)

(2) 談判效益著重長期,不看眼前;另外證明你說的是實話
不建議一開口以強烈語氣說it's unacceptable...
短期來看也許協商重點在價格或時間,但建立長期關係才是好方法。例如 :以這樣說:
I am sure each of us can compromise a little for long-term cooperation. How about...(為了長期合作,我們雙方各退一步,不如……)
如果真的不能讓步,也要有禮貌陳述立場:I'm afraid that's as far as we could go. Perhaps we can consider it next time.(恐怕我們只能做到這樣,也許下次我們可以再考慮……). 
另外,如果某些人的工作就是銷售東西,他們都會說他們銷售的東西是非常好的,不是嗎?透過證明給客戶看你所提供的東西確實是很好,就可以使用類似這樣的話: Why don’t you try it out yourself by signing up for a free trial?


(3) Be willing to negotiate 願意讓步,找到至少雙方都可以接受的結果
不建議一開口就說Take it or leave it. 記住,達成一項交易並不只是獲得你想要的,如果你的客戶告訴了你他們的顧慮,你必須願意讓步以找到一個適合你們雙方的解決方法。可以使用 if  或 providing that 的句型,例如:
We’re prepared to make this deal exclusive, providing you sign a 5-year contract with us.



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商業英文書信技巧    (Business English Writing)




商用英文有別於一般英文,係指常用於商業界的英文。對於從事商業的人,正確地寫出商用英文是很重要的一件事,商業寫作應該是要很清楚、簡潔且正式的表達。所以我們該怎麼做到呢? 這邊有一些正確訣竅可以幫助你正確地寫出來.


第一件你需要記下來的事就是 : 避免開玩笑或是詞不達意。當你在用很正式的方式寫作的時候,你寫給你的同事、老闆或客戶,請不要開玩笑或是詞不達意。你可以和你的朋友或著家人如此,但當你要使用正式的書信什,絕對不能當作玩笑話。「Cliche」就像是陳詞腔濫對我們來說是完全沒有意義的,所以不要再使用「Cliche」。


第二點你必須放在心上的是 : 抑制你的熱情。這個訣竅對那些誇張的人是很棒的。當我們遇到商業寫作時,我們需要收斂一點。你不能加入太多驚嘆號,也不要加表情符號。這樣看起來很不專業,所以你一定要克制你的情緒。當你寫完信在做收尾的時候,寫上一些不雅的詞句或笑臉, 你可以寫上「yours faithfully」或是「best regards」。


第三點,避免被動的書信。係指你必須要寫的非常積極。舉例來說,「你會收到公司負責人給你的指示」,這個就是被動的書信。你必須直接而且清楚的,這樣人家才可以很快地之了解。所以你句子的架構應該是 : 「主題」加上「動詞」還有後面跟著的「受詞」。所以這就是主動的寫作方式。不要進入被動的寫作方式,這種資訊對任何人都沒有意義,你只是在誇大資訊而已。所以你不必這樣做,下一個注意的地方是 : 保持檢查文法或者拼音的錯誤。是的,我們屬於社交世界裡的人,我們很喜歡用Facebook 還有twitter, 我們的文法和拼字慢慢地已經沒有限制了。當你在寫作的時候,我們試著縮短大部份的字,使用不少Lol和Omg。這樣看起來很不專業,當你在做簡報或是當你在寫商業記得要檢查拼音。


最後一 點,就是不要使用俚語或是攻擊性字眼,這會看起來非常不專業,很可能造成負面效果。



Now many a time we listen to people who belong to corporate world, it’s very important for them to write intelligently. Business writing should be clear, should be concise and should be formal. So how do we do that? There are certain tips that I have for you that would help you to write intelligently.


The very first thing that you need to keep in mind is that you need to avoid jokes and cliché. When you are writing formal manner. You are writing to your colleagues, you’re writing to your lcinets; please do not add jokes or cliché. Its okay when you’re writing to your friends and family, but when it comes to formal writing,,but when it comes to formal writing, that’s a complete no no. So no Jokes, no cliché. Cliché like think out of the box or move the needle. These phrases have been used several times and it makes no sense to people anymore, so do not use cliché.


The second point that you need to keep in mind is curb your enthusiasm. Thistip is perfect for the people who are over enthusiastic. So we need to curb our enthusiasm when it comes. You cannot add too many exclamation marks, Also donot add sileys. It doesn’t look professional, so you need to curb your enthusiasm. When you are ending your business email, rather than writing lots of love, you need to write yours faithfully or best regards.


The third point, avoid passive writing. It definitely means that you need to write actively. For example, the instructions will be given to you by the director of the company, now that’s passive. You need to be direct and clear, so that people can read quickly. So the structure of your sentence should be the subject plus the verb and then followed by the object. So that’s active writing. Don’t get into passive writing, it just doesn’t make sense for no reason ,your are just exaggerating the material. So you don’t have to do that.


The next point , keep a check on grammar and spelling errors. Yes we belong to the social world, we are so much into Facebooking and so much on twitter that our spellings and our grammar has totally gone away. We try to contract most of the words and at times we use Lol’s and Omg’s. Do not use that when it comes to business writing. It doesn’t look professional. Please do a spell check and grammar check when you ar doing a presentation or when you’re writing business emails.  


And then the last point that I really need to tell you guys is that, do not use slang terms or offensive words.



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